Allons-y, mon chou!; Encouraging Terms of Endearment After Valentine’s Day

happy valentine's day
happy valentine’s day (Photo credit: mugley)

Salut, ça va? J’ai beaucoup des mots doux d’amour aujourd’hui! Hey, how are you? I have a lot of sweet words of love today! In the last two months, I prepared everyone for the upcoming Valentine’s Day, or Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.).  Are you excited? Whether you are trying to find love online or you have that prospective lover already engaging in no strings attached snuggling, you might have to encourage more to your man than just keeping up with his qualifications.

Guys, my blog suggests romantic tips that will ignite a house fire from candlelit seduction or the freshly sparked ideas that will leave your lover begging like a feline in heat. I am not advocating that you should follow everything just for one night, but balance everything out for post Valentine’s Day. Your beautiful lover deserves more than just a holiday obligation for public displays of affection.  Never save up all your paychecks just to take her out for one night out of the entire year! Seriously, time to wake up and smell the roses before you buy them. Guys, this blog post will help you rekindle your relationship butterflies. Just promise me one thing. You hereby agree to the terms and conditions of relationship success. These terms include, but are not limited to, effective communication with your partner.  I cannot emphasize enough on communication. If verbal communication curtails your fullest relationship potential, body language is also misunderstood as well. If you cannot understand your lover’s body, please refer to my sensualist perspective approach before moving forward this year. When you are ready to take the test, study the erotic study guide. Ven aquí, Pablo Piccasso! Her beautiful canvas is ready for inspiration! No, just kidding. First, let’s focus on communication before and after Valentine’s Day. Then, go ahead. 

Sweethearts Box
Sweethearts Box (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Not Desperate, Just Be Mine!

On Valentine’s Day, talk is extremely cheap, corny, and sometimes very sweet! However, be extra cautious to sink your taste buds into something your valentine has yet to say! A relationship, regardless of its status, requires communication. The lack of communication raises red flags before someone’s heart is severely wounded. If your man cannot express terms of endearment, maybe giving him a box of Sweethearts was the worst inspirational idea you ever had. Guys, these candies are not meant for pick-up lines for one-night stands. They should encourage you to think outside the box (pun intended)! 

Guys, if you need some help on explorative writing, please feel free to check out my page before you open up on sugar-coated terms of endearment. Make your lover a priority, not an option, especially once a year!

Be Original 

A woman craves originality over physical intimacy.  Physical intimacy is extremely exciting, especially with strangers, but there are some consequences with marriage. You will end up married for 50 years with someone you passionately love, but you might not function the way you do when you were in college. If you have originality before Alzheimer’s disease takes over, you can still play your Shakespearean role in her life without rekindling your intimate newlywed adventures. Romeo, Juliet wants the poison from thy lips! If you can still spit up a few honest romantic lines, there will be a much happier ending with your love story. If you can do that while you rev up your rusty sex life, you may just have another chance between the hips as well.

Poetically Captivating 

It is perfectly acceptable if you cannot write anything like Shakespeare. I am not asking you to become the next Robert Frost either. The road you should take (pun intended) is from your heart. Practice does make a lot of progress if you show your sensitive side and begin writing how you feel every day. If you can recall back from earlier in this post, I recommend clicking on the word, “qualifications,” to review the emotionally sensitive section of that post. It is perfectly acceptable if you are sensitive about the way she feels about you or how you feel about her. She wants a well-rounded man, and being sensitive does not make you weak. It is simply the reason why you are her man. Start another WordPress blog for poetry! I have one! If someone provides you with constructive criticism or encouraging words, take them to move forward. Everyone expresses their own feelings through writing, music, and art. If you like music, you enjoy reading words that touch your innermost feelings about everything around you.  Just try it. Deliver the autumn breeze softly across her neck, and the sensual touch of a passionate embrace from a summer ray upon her flesh. You’ll understand. Trust me.

A Major Award [1091]
A Major Award [1091] (Photo credit: brianjmatis)
It’s Fragile! Must Be Italian!

A Christmas Story does not have a Valentine’s Day Story edition. So, please, never make it one! A personal recommendation for anyone trying to rekindle relationships is to learn multiple romance languages. Seriously, you will learn how to use patience and passion within everything you say. Go to the nearest book store, or Google foreign terms of endearment, or watch YouTube videos. Your possibilities are endless. There are no excuses to learn! Allons-y, mon chou! Guys, always remember to practice what you preach (pun intended)! Confidence sounds sexy! When you are confident in speaking another language, your lover will notice your determination. If you are successful, you may just have a romantic night outside of Paris! You might have a busy schedule, but learn how to organize time for a phrase a day while you do your daily routine. In the shower, start singing a phrase. It helps when the phrase is almost relevant to what you are doing. In Spanish, try saying, “Cuando yo tomo una ducha, yo pienso de mi corazon dulce.” It will eventually come to you. Trust me. You got this!

Pets Are Not Included 

You can have pet names without owning a pet! It is extremely healthy for couples to follow the pet naming trend for naming each other something cute for a change. No, I am terribly sorry, but “asshole” is not acceptable. However, there are plenty of pet names trending in different cultures for dating and relationships. Babe, what are your favorite pet names?

In the article, “Pet Names” Are Important for a Strong RelationshipJohn Tesh mentions how coded language can also help secure a healthier relationship. When your partner says, “Hey dear, I’m burning up inside,” never assume they want a fan! If they do, you might have to assume they want that autumn breeze I mentioned about earlier. Do you have a coded language or sugarcoated language with your partner to discuss things around your friends or family? Although I find this very effective, I barely find anyone else to join the fun. One last thought about pet names – try using their names as well! If their name is Laura, call her Alaurable! If her name is Kerry, grab a cup from your little Kerrig to start calling her Kerrbear.

Ladies, the next time your stud muffin wants to go back inside your oven, make him spill his heart out. Give him an incentive to make him crumb back for more!


  1. Do you have any plans lined up for Valentine’s Day? Are they better than last year?
  2. How do you spend a Valentine’s Day with (a) someone you love? (b) a crush? (c) family?
  3. Do you prefer unconditional love over materialistic love? Are you the type to pop the balloons, and embrace on the chocolate kisses? Was it embarrassing to carry around stuffed animals in school?
  4. Do you have a favorite pet name you love giving or receiving?
  5. Do your friends or family give you pet names?
  6. Did you know while I was writing this blog post, I just reached 9,000 hit views? That’s less than 3 months!
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Allons-y, mon chou!; Encouraging Terms of Endearment After Valentine’s Day

eWhoremany; Controversial Online Dating

Welcome! You’ve Got Love. 

While the any key is still unknown, finding love is simply a click away. Valentine’s Day is already a month around the corner, but who celebrates Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D) with their cat? I am not the Crazy Cat Lady, but I still do.

In 2013, you might eventually find someone to fulfill your New Year’s resolution of finding love, and you might satisfy your parents with hope that you will have someone by the age of 40. The rapid growth of match-making online initiated Cupid’s early retirement. Internet access is conveniently influencing the endless possibilities of finding Mr. Right, unless you are a shit magnet for attracting Mr. Wrong. Mr. Wrong might not even be Mr. Wrong! He might be trying his hardest for the Mr. Right nomination, but he ends up being another Mr. Wrong. This electronic interaction with strangers opens the doors for controversial debates. Are these men interested in serious relationships or do they want something else? Why would anyone use someone else’s picture to lure love and commitment? Are young women targeting vulnerable rich men for more than they bargained? Love does not cost a thing, but sex sells.

Stranger Request

When you receive a friend request notification, it does not necessarily mean you are already friends with them. People attract potential hookups through online communities or social networking websites by words, virtual actions, pictures, and games. How many people are legitimate and how many users hide behind fake accounts? Do you presume they are telling the truth?

On the right, you would assume that the guy with the overexposed light was Jake Timms from Indiana. If I talk to him, he might tell me his hometown. Well, that is precisely what, “Ask,” means. Although I would ask him more than just that question, his private profile denied my access. He can only accept friend requests if they confirm that they know his email address. A handsome young eighteen year old guy, playing hard to get, is checking out other guys’ profiles. Yeah, he came across mine and I have the privilege to see who might be checking out my profile daily. Do you think he might be interested in me? Well, shucks, that is very sweet. Honestly, I wish he lived closer! He seems to hold himself right looking like a lady-killer with those lips! Ouch! Seriously, Jake Timms might not even be Jake Timms. That guy in the photograph is commonly referred as, “Prinze Charming,” on WordPress. Yeah, that guy is me. That is my room, and I went to Amsterdam to buy that shirt. Sorry ladies, this guy is trying to compete with me. If you own an account on MyYearbook, or MeetMe, do not talk to a guy who uses this picture when his name is not Tony.

I contacted the MeetMe staff to take immediate action on this issue. They eventually responded back with some questions. They wanted me to prove that I am not someone else trying to take Jake Timms’ place or remove Jake Timms from existence. In the email, they responded with the following message:

“MeetMe Member Support replied:

This is something that we can help with. To verify that the pictures are of you, we ask that you take a photograph of yourself today holding up a piece of paper that says:
“MeetMe – Today’s Date – my email is ________________”
Then, reply to this email with a copy of that photo attached so that we can verify that you are the account holder. We’ll then be able to close any profiles with your photos that do not have your email address.
The photo you send us to prove your identity will not be posted to the site, it will be deleted after your identity is confirmed.
MeetMe Member Support”

Well, that is reassuring. I replied back, “See picture enclosed with the same shirt in the same room.” Jake Timms has yet to surface on my recent viewer page again. I actually like Jake’s new face. It seems happier and less intimidating. Although Jake has two shades of grey, I wonder where the other 48 decided to go. If you or someone you know is in a similar dilemma, please contact every website that has proof that your identity being used. Although this is a serious matter, do I take this as a compliment? The guy knows I am marketable for romance. Could he fill my shoes if he tried? I doubt it.

13 Going on 18  (Just for Now!)

Are you just one of the targeted members of a specific categorized group? Questions arise every year, and parental controls are ineffectively working to curtail Internet access to young adolescent users. Is it really the parental controls? Could it possibly be the lack of any parental control?

If you are a parent, you might have Internet parental controls set for your children. You might have even considered the idealistic attempt to curtail their internet access by setting up timers. No, really, that motivated me to wake up earlier just to use the computer until the evening. If I had to download something, that was another issue, especially on dial-up.

If you were one of those teens, did you feel rushed every morning to surf the web before it was too late? Did you really leave the website after being confronted about your age? Did you enter a birthday year that guaranteed you were 18 years old? “Oh, I will use 1914! That was like uh, World War I?” Yeah, it helps when you are smart, or does it?

Success! A white lie gives the young viewer instant access to a page full of categories listed alphabetically order across the screen, from Amateur to Webcam. An erotic glow of explicit content flashes in front of the eyes of the next victimized child of the Internet, and nobody is there to block them. The ads on the side are enticing the young mind to wander off and click for, “Local Babes Ready for Fun.” What if an adolescent boy saw this website? Would he assume girls were this easy? What if an adolescent girl saw this website? Would she assume that this is the norm for young women to follow?

christina ricci marie claire uk magazine cover hot sexy photo shoot rare promo pan am bel ami 2012Young girls exploit themselves through instant messages, email, and cellphone texts. They crave attention in the wrong areas because society focuses on attraction and establishing relationships. Sex does sell. Magazine companies, especially Seventeen Magazine, lure young teen girls into this materialistic world.

If there is a really hot guy in your daughter’s class, and there is another girl trying to win him over, conflicting circumstances will occur. Let’s take a look at the really hot guy’s perspective. Most guys will know if they attract their peers or not, but most guys will not know how to handle this attraction. Some will take an advantage to rack up numbers in their phones. Instant bragging rights for them, and for ladies – you’re just being played. You are just a pawn for them to play their game. Is it Megan Monday? Tiffany Tuesday? Wait, Wednesday Wednesday! OK, maybe the Adam’s family wouldn’t approve of that one. Did you even notice that the woman on the side is Christina Ricci, the Wednesday of 2012, in the UK’s Marie Claire magazine earlier last year in March? Yeah, by the way, her birthday is February 12! That will be my third month blogiversary!  She’ll be turning 33! That is too weird! While I’m only 9 years apart, which is 3 x 3, I wouldn’t mind a date with her at all! Wednesday Wednesday it is!

40 Year Old Virgin

Nobody in the world wants the pressure of being a forty-year old virgin. Judd Apatow, director of the movie, “The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005),” conveys the message of how someone can live through a chaste lifestyle. Would you do it if you were given a second chance?

During my senior year at the University of Connecticut, I enrolled in a course called, “The Developing World,” which focused on precisely what the title entails. On December 10, 2011, I submitted nearly 4,000 words on a research paper called, “The Underlying Self Identity of Women in Tunisia; the Psychological Impact of Familial and Societal Pressures on Young Tunisian Women.” I concluded my paper of how familial and societal pressures change the lifestyles of young Tunisian women. Here is an excerpt of that conclusion:

The status of women lacks superior acknowledgement, but it has significantly rose higher up in Tunisia’s social hierarchy since the twentieth century. Tunisian women are becoming more aware of their own rights, sexuality, opportunities of higher education, and presumably achieving professional careers that men cannot compete against. Although the Code of Personal Status may grant women back their rights, Tunisian universities will still have women students to abide by the unconstitutional guidelines of the revised dress code.

In Tunisia, young women feel as if they are unattractive to have intimate relationships with men if they are left in society. Honestly, if a man doesn’t come up to you, he is doing you a favor. In addition, he is most likely intimidated by you. The following excerpt explains the societal and familial pressures:

The societal and familial pressures hinder young Tunisian women from adolescence to motherhood. Tunisian women construct their self-identity as an individual with significance within society, but the psychological factors which influence the way young women perceive themselves in Tunisia can leave women in distress. Young women will experience male peer pressure to engage in premarital sexual behavior, but they may also experience familial pressures to wed at an earlier age upon maturity. Moreover, motherhood will also have a societal pressure to face as women without children are frowned upon in society as lower class citizens of Tunisia. These mothers will direct their own daughters either away or into societal pressure by moderating their freedom to associate with their own peers.

The world revolves around the drive to find love and the strength to hold commitment. If a relationship lacks the stable architectural design, the couple will struggle to find their way through. We can all learn from our mistakes, but bad habits will encourage the victimized hopeless romantic to settle for less. The Internet is a portal for social acceptance and intimate fantasies. The envious Jake Timms could have been the catalyst for a future heartbreak of a young woman searching for Mr. Right. My identity was at risk for being subjected to false accusations and the girl’s hope for destiny blew into the wind of unrequited love.

Option Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever met someone from the Internet? Was it a better experience than Dateline’s, “To Catch A Predator?”
  2. Do you have any idea why Jake Timms would choose me from many other guys online? Give me your thoughts about this in the comment section below.  
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eWhoremany; Controversial Online Dating

Is It Really in Their Kiss?; The Art of Seductive Kissing

January is a very awkward month of resolutions, self-improvement, and rekindled interests to succeed. When next week approaches, January 14 will spark the countdown to a day when hopeless romantics celebrate Singles Awareness Day. Although Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, the materialistic attitudes will immediately take over the unconditional motives for love. The act of kissing another person, regardless of their relationship status, conveys mixed emotions for a serious commitment.

Dusting Off Mr. Snuggles

Have you ever received love letters and teddy bears on Valentine’s Day? Are you just hoarding unrequited love from every Valentine’s Day since someone gave you something sentimental in kindergarten? Hallmark’s time to shine will also be yours as well! Whether you have already kissed someone you are passionately in love with in 2013 or you are still mustering enough hope that someone will come around the corner, this is an article that will help refine the meaning of a true love’s first kiss.

The Hollies and Cher have one important thing in common. The meaning behind a sensual kiss determines whether you are experiencing love’s presence or lust. In their two songs that are almost titled the same, “It’s In Her Kiss,” and “The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss),”  eyes of lust are very deceiving to someone vulnerable to easily misunderstand the persuasive body language. A man with charm in his face might be enticing a vulnerable woman to kiss him, but he might not have what it takes to passionately kiss her back. The “warm embrace” explained in the songs are precisely accurate because anyone can snuggle with the exchange of body heat.  Never let no strings attached snuggling fool you into something else!

Pucker Up, Boys

Kissing is one of the most effective approaches for romance and seduction. Everyone wants that physical intimacy with someone new, especially if the attraction was from love at first sight. The awkward suspense intensifies when your eyes exchange seductive smirks and the faces speak to each other by moving in closer. Are they ready for the passionate embrace? Kissing is extremely enjoyable, but it is also part of the list of things that have a process, place and time. It is also the destination after a flight through the clouds of interpersonal communication and disclosure. Never assume that someone will kiss you after an engaging conversation that leads to smiles and laughter. The ability to effectively communicate through non-verbal cues is important to understand. Therefore, it really is in their kiss.

Pucking Amazing! 

Congratulations! You finally found someone weeks before Valentine’s Day on the Internet. The luxurious Italian restaurant on Saturday is going viral on your Twitter. Your hashtag, #foreverfound, is picking up more followers. The pictures are still left inside your memory card, but they look amazing! The two love birds were singing majestically underneath the city lights with a moon lit sky. The lousy attempt at serenading you with a shower love song was cute enough for a smile. The date went smoothly without the unnecessary intoxication of Sex on the Beach. Although Halitosis delayed the kiss, the prolonged affection for each other was well worth the wait. Was it love at first website? The texts shortly after suggest the vacancy for improvement with your intimate intentions.

Mother Pucker!

Damn it! The urge for a passionate embrace failed miserably! Did you end up hugging after a romantic night out in the city? Wait, was the hug weak or not long enough? Oh, not another side hug! Seriously? Try harder next time! This is no time for regret, but plenty of time for self-improvement. Practice will enhance perfection, and the main goal is achieving a hug from behind. Let them know that they are safely secured between your arms. I would emphasize more on hugging before kissing, but hugging is easy. Everyone should have their own norm for hugging friends, family, or the prospective boyfriend or girlfriend. Kissing requires more attention. Although the first impression matters the most, an awkward hug is replaceable in seconds after the first attempt. If a first kiss fails, someone might not have the courage to fix the problem. The problem might only be the poor kissing habits, and the misunderstanding of using the wrong techniques for finding intimacy.

The Sherminator?

No, I’m the Escalator, baby.

A sophisticated Shakespearean kisser sent back through time to change the future for Juliet’s intoxicated lips.

If you have never seen the American Pie series, please watch them. First, before I begin the escalation, I must tell you that everything you are willing to do with a person has a process. Whether you are simply talking, walking, dancing, or snuggling, there is a process behind every interactive approach to building a healthy relationship with a prospective match. In the kissing department, there’s the E.S.C.A.L.A.T.O.R. approach. If you want to achieve something, you move up to the next level. If you want to return back to where you started, you can go back down.  I believe my approach can help every situation out with the right understanding. If you are writing a research paper, follow an escalator approach. Have you tried writing the middle of your paper before you complete the introduction? It is not easy, but it is possible. Although we cannot jump into the middle of an escalator, we are extremely flexible with sensual escalation.

The E.S.C.A.L.A.T.O.R. Approach 

Engage in eye contact.

Secure a simple kiss on their forehead.

Caress their hair while you stare into their eyes.

Allow your noses to playfully glide against each other.

Let’s focus on soft cheek and chin kisses.

Acquire confidence in teasingly brushing your lips across theirs.

Tame the prolonged desire of kissing with an Eskimo nose dance.

Offer the signal that you are willing to go further by biting your own bottom lip.

Release the escalation by closing your eyes and leaning closer.

Try It Before You Buy It

The concept of kissing is over rated. Time to go window shopping before you start checking out on something you might not actually enjoy. When you go shopping for clothes, you head over to the fitting rooms before you buy everything. The same concept applies with kissing. Why would you buy their lips before you try them on? My approach allows flexibility while testing out intimate personalities. How does someone respond to your sensual kisses? Guys, give your date something she never felt before. Keep your mind off the lips, especially below the hips! Your date wants to feel special by affection and selection. Silence is golden, especially when you do everything I mentioned without a word. Let the bodies communicate effectively and you will see immediate improvement if you do it right.

When you are already Eskimo kissing, or playfully gliding your noses together, you are so close yet so far away from their lips. When you move further down, teasingly brushing your lips across theirs, you are sending more than just the message, “Are you ready?” You are testing out the water before you dive in! You are also testing the pH level of your passion pool. Is it halitosis tonight? Maybe it was something she just ate? That is effective for planning ahead. If she has never experienced sensual kisses from a man, you might have her begging for more! Now, don’t take this the wrong way. I am only discussing the true love’s first kiss. Ladies, if you tease a man with my approach, please let me know how much he fights for your lips. Is there anyone interested in holding a contest? The longer you last without kissing, with the leverage of brushing your lips across theirs, wins.

Checkout and Flaunt It! 

Great! You finally released escalated passion from an intimate embrace! The two lips gliding against each other created something euphoric! Now, where is the true love’s first kiss? How does it start and how much focus falls upon the performance? Is it acceptable to go with the flow? No, not necessarily. If you are uncomfortable, you should step back. Guys, if she wanted a dog to kiss her, she would let her own family friend make the moves before you do. If you are giving her a tongue bath,  she will most likely blow the whistle for a lifeguard. I cannot emphasize enough on how awkward it is to drown while someone is trying to kiss you. Learn how to control your saliva. Ladies, this also goes out for you as well. Start off sweet with soft lips. You already brushed your lips across theirs, and you are already familiar with the texture of their lips. Start off with something light. Guys, listen carefully, caress their lips with yours while your hands wander off somewhere appropriate. Choose between running your fingers through their hair, on the side of their face, or down at their hips. Change it up every other minute and let them experience another alternative between those suggestions.

Pepé Le Puke

No way, José! Hold off on the French kissing for a while! Just enjoy your quality time together before something serious happens. It is not acceptable to find any leftovers from your date or from breakfast before you two saw each other. Stay out of their mouth for a while, and embrace upon something right in front of you. Class is not over yet, fish! Although your session might be romantically engaged, you will need to swim back up for fresh air. When you give yourself a break, just admire each other while your noses touch. This is not only adding kudos to your passionate side, but the emotional connection with someone amazing will gradually become stronger. Use this time to treat them as a person, not another number in your daily planner.

When you have that physical connection with someone, confirm your intentions with them. If you are not willing to commit soon, let them know. If there is interest in pursuing further, talk about it. Let them know that you enjoyed your time together. Communication is important in every status of a relationship, especially the one from within.

Just be yourself, express what you feel, and go with the flow if you two are completely comfortable with each other. If something does not work out effectively, talk about it. Never leave them hanging out to dry for several weeks after your date. That raises a red flag to stay away as far as possible.

Facing Beyond the Face

Do you think kissing leads to more intimacy and sexual attraction? How do you effectively kiss further away from their face? Guys, is there a technique used for kissing a woman’s neck, shoulders, back, nipples, stomach, around their belly button, hips, thighs, inner thighs, legs or softly upon their mons pubis? Ladies, how do you like your sensual kisses? Does the job position entail biting as well, especially for the neck? That may just be another future post! I hope you all enjoyed this article, please feel free to leave any questions or comments below! Start puckering, you hopeless puckers!


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Is It Really in Their Kiss?; The Art of Seductive Kissing