Home Sweet Home; Unpacking Technical Difficulties

A Message from Your Author

Hey everyone!

Happy Birthday Washington! What a great way to start blogging! Today is President’s Day! Oh, by the way, Happy belated Valentine’s Day! All my guests or followers must have seen the temporary banner previously positioned above the website that already mentioned this message. I would like to make this the official message for the romantic day of celebration. If you are single, I hope you made the best of it by watching movies and eating ice cream.

Now, transitioning into business.

Welcome to the new home of PrinzeCharming.com! Yes! We have moved from WordPress.com to WordPress.org! Was the move easy? Well, nobody enjoys packing their belongings into a truck to unpack and reorganize again! Although the move was fairly easy, PrinzeCharming has less than 70 blog posts in three months. So, editing the pictures and fixing all the broken ones was the only hassle. I realized that originality is a beautiful thing. The very few reblogs were lost in the transition, so I edited those posts as well. I am very fortunate that I did not reblog more than ten posts. If you received a pingback, just delete it. I believe I fixed enough. If you notice anything different, just let me know. I know there are a few minor issues still left around here, including the award posts. In addition, the Internet connection was very weak in the office. It was fixed the other day. I am very pleased with the results of PrinzeCharming.com, and I hope we all can have a successful year ahead.

You will notice a few new features located throughout the blog. Let me give you some insight on the latest and the greatest.

The Top Latest Changes

  1. Layout / WordPress Theme

  2. PunchTab

  3. Disqus

  4. Subscribers

Layout and Theme

First, the layout and WordPress theme is the greatest change to notice for the top latest changes. The theme compliments the feel of PrinzeCharming. The layout is very fun to play with as well! Give it a try! Stretch out the page and watch everything shift! The articles and bottom half of the page will shift around. If you have a small monitor, you will see the default layout of the articles in rows. If you have a larger monitor, there will be one long list of articles going across.

Punch Tab

Secondly, PunchTab is a rewarding online program down below the bottom of PrinzeCharming.com. When you first notice this new feature, it will appear to look like this:


When you instantly connect with Facebook, you will have access to this:

Ok, so “Rewards” cannot be clicked. Sorry. The 900 points (pts) must be earned, but that is not linked either. The share buttons and the two buttons next to the points (pts) are waiting for your clicks.

The group of people will bring you to the Leaderboard. The Leaderboard will show you the last thirty days of activity on PrinzeCharming.com. The other followers connected to Facebook will be displayed here as well. When someone contributes to sharing or commenting on PrinzeCharming.com, they will earn points (pts). Go ahead and earn your first 100 free points now!


100 Free Points 

Anyone can receive 100 free points just for connecting with Facebook! The rest is all up to your contributions!




When you click on Catalog, you will see this menu:



The more points you earn, the better prizes you can redeem! Why settle for a $5 Target.com eGift Card when you can save enough points for $25 Restaurant eGift Card?

I could also host a Giveaway event! I can make this happen via PunchTab.

The Giveaway feature looks like this:

Good luck!

Image representing DISQUS as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase


If you noticed, there is a new commenting feature used throughout the site.  If you look around, you will notice how Disqus is effectively used in every article. This is a very popular commenting platform! I was very pleased to see how organized the system was by viewing every article, and how it functions within the community here. I hope you enjoy it too!


Last, but certainly not least, I have 4,071 followers from WordPress.com whom might not receive a notification for this recent blog post. Can you let me know, please? If not, you must subscribe down below to the new blog. If you do, great! I just hope everything works out just fine. If nothing is sent through your inbox, renew your subscription here!

Although I am shy one day for seven days, I will throw out a Genesis idea around.

“And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

Now, I shall rest. Take care everyone! I hope you can all enjoy the latest! Be sure to check out my navigation pages!



Tony T

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Home Sweet Home; Unpacking Technical Difficulties

Three is a Charm; Three Month Blogiversary on Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras Day, New Orleans: Krewe of Kosmic D...

In 2007, a Mardi Gras celebration was held on Tuesday, February 20 in New Orleans. A group of  East Hartford High School students enrolled in a Spanish class received a rewarding opportunity to travel around various regions of Spain in February. The following road-map shows the entire trip throughout the week. The invaluable time spent on the extensive trip was very limited, but many cherished memories came along with the group arriving back to the United States across the Atlantic Ocean.

Carnival of Cádiz

The innocent moment of a young local child from Spain truly melts the heart.

According to the sign from the first picture, La Playa de Victoria was only right around the corner. The group arrived just in time after the carnival to experience the sunset. If only a Canon Rebel T3i came along for the trip. The shot would produce higher quality results.

Celebrating Mardi Gras 2013 

Today, February 12th, 2013, marks the three-month blogiversary of PrinzeCharming.com on Mardi Gras! Although I am not traveling across the beautiful regions of Spain, it is a pleasure to acknowledge my three successful months here at WordPress with over 4,000 subscribers with almost 16,000 views! The party should start with acknowledging the followers.


I wake up every morning pleased to see more followers joining in the hopeless romantic community here at PrinzeCharming.com. However, there will be some new changes around here very shortly. Although I love freedom, my office will still be in the bedroom.  I am planning on moving over to WordPress.org. I am confident about this change because I will not only keep most of my total subscribers via email, but I will also be adding the plugins that we never experience here. One plugin will help me transfer my email and WordPress subscribers to the new hosting website. As far as ads go, I will keep my website clean with a select few. Sorry, but I am self-employed between two family businesses. My dad runs bus trips to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun Casino, and my cousin is a Coppersmith Tinsmith. I handcrafted over 200 switch plates with him. I make a reasonable pay per hour part-time with my cousin. He helps me out while I am trying to look for some other outlet to pay off my student loans. Unfortunately, I have not seen him in a few weeks due to the inclement weather. I hope you can all understand the future changes, and I hope I can accomplish more in the next month to come. I believe in a strong following network with quality produced content. This is my goal, and I am sticking to it. I have so many ideas for the next few months ahead. One of these ideas is to take more pictures with my Canon Rebel T3i. Stay tuned!

Take care everyone! Thank you so much for your support.



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Three is a Charm; Three Month Blogiversary on Mardi Gras

Perspiring Inspiration; The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

(Photo credit: peevee@ds)

Hey everyone, I noticed I have fallen behind schedule for accepting award nominations. That is not very inspiring! Spank me! I will try my best not to enjoy it. I am very fortunate to receive two more Very Inspiring Blogger Award nominations! In almost three months, I have inspired almost 4,000 people on WordPress. That number alone motivates my soul to continue inspiring more people to inspire others. Inspiration is the new STD that we can all spread together! It is never too late!

First, I would like to announce a blog post suggestion and the latest new welcome message that most of you have yet to hear. In honor of all my beautiful followers and my sensual work, my three-month blogiversary on February 12, 2013 will have a special event of recognition. I may upload a video via YouTube or post an audio file via YourListen to announce my latest achievements with the WordPress community.  I need your help to move this along in the most effective way possible. You must all have questions to ask me! Please ask any question from general audience to mature audience. I will answer as many as I receive. You can submit these questions in the comment section below or submit them through the online opinion form.

Now, the latest welcome message for my blog is found at the upper right hand corner right above the email subscription button. I uploaded this as my first attempt. How do you feel about it? Would you like me to narrate, “An Erotic Masterpiece; A Painting of One Thousand Words,” as an MP3 file so you can carry it to bed with you? Personalized narrations are always sexy. Just imagine a young guy telling you a bedtime story without having him in your room! I can accommodate you with a small fee via PayPal. Let me know if there is any interest.

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Here are the rules of the award:
1.) Display the award logo on your blog.
2.) Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.) State 7 things about yourself.
4.) Nominate 15 bloggers for this award.
5.) Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

On January 30th, I received the 5th Very Inspiring Blogger Award from GrowingUpLittle. I would like to accept this award officially, and acknowledge your nomination by saying thank you very much for noticing my work. On February 2nd, I received the 6th Very Inspiring Blogger Award from TheReporterandTheGirl. It is a pleasure to receive this award from another hopeless romantic, and I am very fortunate for your support in the discussions here at PrinzeCharming.com. Thank you both. I wish the best of luck in everything you do.

7 (x2) Things About Me: Pun Edition

  1. I can eat a plate of asparagus like a large order of French fries …, urine trouble now!
  2. I love every fruit you could imagine, I just cantaloupe.
  3. I love breasts, thighs and legs, but I always chicken out when they’re all too big.
  4. I have a way with my tongue, but I am not even close to cunning linguist.
  5. I love sensual chats over the phone, but I am afraid of hearing aids when I’m older.
  6. If my ex room mate’s girlfriend owned a bakery, at yeast she has it all under control!
  7. I always wondered how English majors handled their periods.
  8. I love seafood, but I could never see myself selfish.
  9. Could I be a farmer? They caress chicks while watching the others get laid!
  10. I love grapes, but it makes me cringe when people whine.
  11. I am not sure how a mailman handles junk mail. I’d go postal within the first week.
  12. Yeah, love sucks and we can’t get enough, but that’s just a whoreable thing to say. 
  13. I love drinking and gambling, but I always liquor first before I poker.
  14. My blog is like a road to success, if you aren’t following then that’s your asphalt!

45 Very Inspiring Blogger Nominations 

In an effort to make up for the 4th, 5th and 6th nominations, I present to you 45 individuals for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please note that I would order the these in alphabetically order, but I am too lazy to do that. Therefore, please understand that everyone was equally chosen, regardless of the listing number.

  1. lucilx
  2. gwenstephens
  3. conversationallyselective
  4. julieisrael
  5. abigailpollock
  6. memoirsofagayhousewife
  7. howtodateinlv
  8. divorcedarling
  9. vdarquenne
  10. journeytoawesomehood
  11. broadblogs
  12. marifosque
  13. mellchan
  14. joycelynaralar
  15. hansiriley
  16. wordsfallfrommyeyes
  17. beansprowtcrocodile
  18. dragoneystory
  19. oleanderstringofpearls
  20. arefootbaroness.org
  21. havensheaven
  22. decemberspirit
  23. romancewithval
  24. romanceglobalbound
  25. hopekenyon
  26. thewhyaboutthis
  27. calvinandi
  28. rebeccabartley
  29. sex-pancakes
  30. ducttapeandbubblegum
  31. rebeccatdickson
  32. augustmclaughlin
  33. throughthehealinglens
  34. 20andjuststarting
  35. shrewdbanana
  36. creativityarise
  37. exceptionalaregle
  38. lesbiansextips4str8boys
  39. thebumblefiles
  40. facingtherainbow
  41. sliceofmylifeblog
  42. briarlady
  43. ranujanu
  44. julienmatei
  45. deliberatelifemag

Congratulations everyone! Please spread the inspiration throughout the WordPress community and into your own local communities. We all need more inspiration in this world, especially for relationships. Most of the compiled bloggers have dating and relationship themed blogs. I hope you can all check them out. They are truly inspirational and should also be part of your life as well. Thank you. Take care.

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Perspiring Inspiration; The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

URGENT: Promotional Announcement for Blog Directory (REBLOG THIS)

Be Featured on a Free Blog Directory!

Hey everyone!

Although I promised that I would continue Part II of my latest blog post today, the publication is delayed until more people respond to the discussion. Thank you for those who have already responded! As promised, I will mention the participants of the discussion in Part II with a pingback. So, be sure to participate! I will acknowledge you for your contributions!

Now, let’s talk business. The latest navigation tab on the right labeled, “Blog Directory,” is your new best friend. Yes, the blog directory is now running smoothly while people are already requesting a spot on the list! Are you interested in being a part of this list, or you know anyone who would love to participate? Share the link or reblog this post! When you arrive at the page, be sure to follow the next link that says blog post. It will send you here. If you follow the directions, you will be successfully added to the blog directory. I want serious bloggers. If you can effectively describe your blog to me, I can place you in the proper category. If you write a great submission, you might be featured below the complied directory for others to have a respectable first impression on you.

Now, the basic FAQ’s:

Why are you doing this?

My blog will never be enough for my 3,500+ subscribers.  There will be a time when someone has to search beyond my dedicated work and my engaging extensive articles. I completely understand. I also understand the difficulty behind blog promotions, and the limitations we must face in the beginning of a blogging lifestyle. If anyone recently started their blog, this will be a great opportunity for you to share your thoughts and opinions. If you have a weight loss blog or you help others with inspiration, please share these blogs. I want this directory loaded with inspirational people by the end of 2013! If anyone would like to design an image or button to place on your blog to direct back to this directory, please suggest a design for me. That would be greatly appreciated. The “winners” will have their designs listed and displayed with their names by their successful submission. More kudos to you!

It is a pleasure to work with other bloggers. Please feel free to contact me through that form submission page as well. I wish the best of luck in your blogging endeavors of 2013!

Take care,


Click Here for Blog Directory!

URGENT: Promotional Announcement for Blog Directory (REBLOG THIS)