Where Art Thou, Prinze?

c'est moiHey everyone! I have so much to tell you! Where have I been this whole time? Well, I have been bouncing around career paths, and still trying to figure out my place in the world. As of right now, I am going to give you a free fan sign if you join and stay a while at this awesome social networking website! It’s free to join, and there is so much more to do than Facebook. I am top dude #36 this week! Everyone loves the blog articles that you previously enjoyed on here! Click the picture below, and I’ll see you there! The best virtual bar on the internet!



Where Art Thou, Prinze?

Latest Update; Upcoming Blog Posts, Blog Award, and Personal Touches

Hey everyone! I am looking forward to keeping my promises in the last three months I have been here. I will give you a rundown on the blog posts that I have promised, and I hope I see some last-minute contributions. If I am not focused on a new topic, you will see the following post updates.

Part II –

In this series, a Part II blog post:

Part III –

In this series, a Part III blog post will conclude the final thoughts:

The Hot Debate

The article with the most feedback is now Relaxing on First Base; a Brief Survey on Kissing Preferences with twenty-two submissions in almost a full month. My first intention was to publish the second and third part of this blog post shortly before Valentine’s Day. Well, obviously that never happened! So, last call on the kissing poll! I will hold this off at least until the end of the month. Then, I will discuss the poll results and analyze them at different perspectives. I may hold off on the third part, and enhance the post with the results and my concluding thoughts on this subject.

The second article with the most feedback was Finding Chivalry; Discussion on Chivalry and Materialistic Relationships. I will discuss more in-depth with the responses, materialistic relationships, and how chivalry has changed the modern society’s mindset of morals and values.

I cannot say this was the least interesting for responses, but I appreciate everyone who participated in the article that focuses on the Mile High Club. The next part will only focus on the contributions from the first part and some sexy alternatives to satisfying this spontaneous fetish. You are all welcomed aboard on this flight!

Blog Awards

I have used blog awards as a way to give myself some motivation to blog. However, it is very difficult to nominate 10 to 15 people every time. On February 22nd, 2013, Christina has awarded me with my 7th Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I appreciate this nomination, especially with the description that followed it. Thank you. I may or may not make an official blog post for this. I just want this blog award acknowledged now. Although I should acknowledge the other two nominations, I only announce the nominations that are not recycled from the nominee back to the nominator. Please do not feel discouraged if I do not acknowledge you if you are a nominee receiving an award, and you feel the inspiration to give it back. I appreciate it, but finding an additional 45 nominees for the last three Very Inspiring Blogger Awards is very overwhelming. In addition, I feel as if the nomination was an obligation. If I never shared it with you, you might have never shared it with me. Thanks for understanding.

Blog Post Suggestions

If you have any blog post suggestions for topics or ideas, please let me know. I have been writing articles on whim for three months. There is no planning ahead, and everything happens within a few hours for each post. If you find a current event, and you want my opinion on it, let me know. Share it on my Facebook wall!

Peace Corps 50th Anniversary at CSIS
Peace Corps 50th Anniversary at CSIS (Photo credit: CSIS: Center for Strategic & International Studies)

Hosting and Moving Forward

I have recently signed up for a web host site for my WordPress.org website for the next three years. I have also booked a meeting with the Peace Corps for next week. If I am accepted into the  rewarding program, I will be in another country for two years and three months. The limited Internet connection will not push me away from writing anything in my blog, but the other way around. If I am enrolled in the Peace Corps, I will take this rewarding opportunity to apply it to my work here at PrinzeCharming.com. I will ask the natives about dating and relationships, and learn about their norms for modern dating. This may be taboo for some cultures, but we can all learn a lot in how other cultures bond together to form friendships and relationships. I am very intrigued for this opportunity, and I will update you on my progress.

Thank you all for your time.

Take care.

– Tony





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Latest Update; Upcoming Blog Posts, Blog Award, and Personal Touches

First Impressions and Unbelievable Confessions; Discussing Relationship Structure in Modern Dating

Traffic slows to a crawl on the Monash Freeway...

The competitive market for love shares similar characteristics to the job market for the unemployed. A hopeless romantic is similar to someone unemployed looking for a stable commitment for the next few years. The employers carefully select interviewees to filter out commitment driven people from the rest. A person looking for love will also follow the same process by prioritizing their prospective love interests from the desperate candidates. The people will seek information through casual conversations and non-verbal cues from body language. Regardless if there is an interest for commitment to a company or a relationship, there should never be a time to hesitate to settle for less. If the process fails to recognize sugar-coated first impressions, future problems will arise.

This article will briefly discuss the ineffective structure for building relationships in modern dating. A reputable value system for first impressions determines the selection process without the conflicting confessions surfacing the relationship at an earlier time. As the comfort equilibrium reaches stability, disclosure for a person’s true characteristics is transparent. These confessions are often pushed aside with positive first impressions to reassure that the relationship is fine to concerned family and friends.

Love at First Sight

The exchange of first impressions for any relationship is invaluable to the future of that initiated friendship. The struggle for men and women to market their capabilities to find true love turns to desperate measures. The emotional and intellectual strengths push aside for the physical attributes and effective interpersonal communication skills. Communication is inexpensive, but persuasive lines can lure someone closer. A woman may physically attract a male candidate by wearing something revealing. She will physically engage in the communication without any disclosure of words. The balance between initiating a physical attraction and establishing an emotional connection can spark a lot of interest. The person will feel comfortable and secure when some qualifications achieve satisfaction. If a guy has a great personality, the woman must make that decision to look over the lack of physical attraction. If a guy is sexually appealing without the great personality, love is not blind after all.

A mutual exchange of acceptance for two people is usually based on first impressions. A guy might return to his comfort zone by talking to his friends about his recent meeting. The woman might do the same thing, but describe him differently than he would describe her. The lack of information to understand each other is often replaced by physical and emotional first impressions. If the guy mentions that he is a recent graduate from a public university, a first impression of sophistication may spark her conversation with her friends. If the woman mentions an interest in music and art, the guy can describe her passion for the freedom of expression. If barely any exchange of information happens or almost everything is misunderstood, the descriptions will only be based upon the appearance that reflected the most from the first impressions.

A mutual connection between the two people will spark another date or another time to engage in a conversation. The disclosure of information can vary depending on the comfort of questioning and responding. The casual conversations can jump from general interests to personal explicit interests. During the first few weeks of engaging in daily conversations, the two people must disclose their intentions for pursuing an interest in connecting with each other. If this conversation is never covered since the first exchange, future conflicting matters will arise to sort out the issues of determining whether this is a prospective commitment or a way to satisfy physical intimacy deprivation. It is very important to disclose intentions of any relationship before a serious decision can emotionally hurt another person. This is when first impressions require depth and understanding before something serious happens. If the intentions were never disclosed from the beginning, they will surface when a couple least expects it.

Skeletons in the Closet

A person shows their natural behavior by slowly shedding off the sugar-coated first impressions when they reach their comfort zone.  The confession stage begins after a few months or a few years since the first day. If an interviewee discloses to their prospective employer that they are only interested in receiving paychecks, the poor quality of their work would already reflect on this intention earlier. If a person is only interested in someone’s appearance or wealth, they will curtail impressing them as the relationship grows further. This is also true when unconditional love delivers the natural perks of commitment, such as loyalty.

This ineffective structure of building relationships stirs up an argument to question if love is combining a fishing method and a reputable rewarding system. A person can lure someone through their own form of bait, whether it is a physical or verbal form of attraction, while rewarding them from past reputable experiences to overcome the flaws. A common excuse to accept abuse or dishonesty in a relationship is to acknowledge someone’s first impressions. Men and women seem to push aside negative characteristics without acknowledging that their partner’s behavior changed since they first met. A person will reassure concerned family and friends that their partner will change their behavior. This person often fails to recognize a sudden positive change in the last several years. A sign of denial is very common in these situations because the last ounce of hope is all they have to move forward.


  1. Why do people try too hard to make first impressions successful?
  2. How are first impressions created if the person does not satisfy your expectations for an intimate relationship? Do you disclose more or less information than you should?
  3. Although nobody is perfect, is it better to disclose your flaws before or after a few months of talking? Would you rather let your partner discover your flaws naturally or talk to them before they all appear within the relationship?
  4. Do people really change back into who they were a few years ago? Is it easy to push aside new habits, and return to the positive old ones?
  5. Do you agree that two people living together before marriage is more successful than a couple moving into a place shortly after the exchange of vows?
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First Impressions and Unbelievable Confessions; Discussing Relationship Structure in Modern Dating

Home Sweet Home; Unpacking Technical Difficulties

A Message from Your Author

Hey everyone!

Happy Birthday Washington! What a great way to start blogging! Today is President’s Day! Oh, by the way, Happy belated Valentine’s Day! All my guests or followers must have seen the temporary banner previously positioned above the website that already mentioned this message. I would like to make this the official message for the romantic day of celebration. If you are single, I hope you made the best of it by watching movies and eating ice cream.

Now, transitioning into business.

Welcome to the new home of PrinzeCharming.com! Yes! We have moved from WordPress.com to WordPress.org! Was the move easy? Well, nobody enjoys packing their belongings into a truck to unpack and reorganize again! Although the move was fairly easy, PrinzeCharming has less than 70 blog posts in three months. So, editing the pictures and fixing all the broken ones was the only hassle. I realized that originality is a beautiful thing. The very few reblogs were lost in the transition, so I edited those posts as well. I am very fortunate that I did not reblog more than ten posts. If you received a pingback, just delete it. I believe I fixed enough. If you notice anything different, just let me know. I know there are a few minor issues still left around here, including the award posts. In addition, the Internet connection was very weak in the office. It was fixed the other day. I am very pleased with the results of PrinzeCharming.com, and I hope we all can have a successful year ahead.

You will notice a few new features located throughout the blog. Let me give you some insight on the latest and the greatest.

The Top Latest Changes

  1. Layout / WordPress Theme

  2. PunchTab

  3. Disqus

  4. Subscribers

Layout and Theme

First, the layout and WordPress theme is the greatest change to notice for the top latest changes. The theme compliments the feel of PrinzeCharming. The layout is very fun to play with as well! Give it a try! Stretch out the page and watch everything shift! The articles and bottom half of the page will shift around. If you have a small monitor, you will see the default layout of the articles in rows. If you have a larger monitor, there will be one long list of articles going across.

Punch Tab

Secondly, PunchTab is a rewarding online program down below the bottom of PrinzeCharming.com. When you first notice this new feature, it will appear to look like this:


When you instantly connect with Facebook, you will have access to this:

Ok, so “Rewards” cannot be clicked. Sorry. The 900 points (pts) must be earned, but that is not linked either. The share buttons and the two buttons next to the points (pts) are waiting for your clicks.

The group of people will bring you to the Leaderboard. The Leaderboard will show you the last thirty days of activity on PrinzeCharming.com. The other followers connected to Facebook will be displayed here as well. When someone contributes to sharing or commenting on PrinzeCharming.com, they will earn points (pts). Go ahead and earn your first 100 free points now!


100 Free Points 

Anyone can receive 100 free points just for connecting with Facebook! The rest is all up to your contributions!




When you click on Catalog, you will see this menu:



The more points you earn, the better prizes you can redeem! Why settle for a $5 Target.com eGift Card when you can save enough points for $25 Restaurant eGift Card?

I could also host a Giveaway event! I can make this happen via PunchTab.

The Giveaway feature looks like this:

Good luck!

Image representing DISQUS as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase


If you noticed, there is a new commenting feature used throughout the site.  If you look around, you will notice how Disqus is effectively used in every article. This is a very popular commenting platform! I was very pleased to see how organized the system was by viewing every article, and how it functions within the community here. I hope you enjoy it too!


Last, but certainly not least, I have 4,071 followers from WordPress.com whom might not receive a notification for this recent blog post. Can you let me know, please? If not, you must subscribe down below to the new blog. If you do, great! I just hope everything works out just fine. If nothing is sent through your inbox, renew your subscription here!

Although I am shy one day for seven days, I will throw out a Genesis idea around.

“And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

Now, I shall rest. Take care everyone! I hope you can all enjoy the latest! Be sure to check out my navigation pages!



Tony T

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Home Sweet Home; Unpacking Technical Difficulties

Three is a Charm; Three Month Blogiversary on Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras Day, New Orleans: Krewe of Kosmic D...

In 2007, a Mardi Gras celebration was held on Tuesday, February 20 in New Orleans. A group of  East Hartford High School students enrolled in a Spanish class received a rewarding opportunity to travel around various regions of Spain in February. The following road-map shows the entire trip throughout the week. The invaluable time spent on the extensive trip was very limited, but many cherished memories came along with the group arriving back to the United States across the Atlantic Ocean.

Carnival of Cádiz

The innocent moment of a young local child from Spain truly melts the heart.

According to the sign from the first picture, La Playa de Victoria was only right around the corner. The group arrived just in time after the carnival to experience the sunset. If only a Canon Rebel T3i came along for the trip. The shot would produce higher quality results.

Celebrating Mardi Gras 2013 

Today, February 12th, 2013, marks the three-month blogiversary of PrinzeCharming.com on Mardi Gras! Although I am not traveling across the beautiful regions of Spain, it is a pleasure to acknowledge my three successful months here at WordPress with over 4,000 subscribers with almost 16,000 views! The party should start with acknowledging the followers.


I wake up every morning pleased to see more followers joining in the hopeless romantic community here at PrinzeCharming.com. However, there will be some new changes around here very shortly. Although I love freedom, my office will still be in the bedroom.  I am planning on moving over to WordPress.org. I am confident about this change because I will not only keep most of my total subscribers via email, but I will also be adding the plugins that we never experience here. One plugin will help me transfer my email and WordPress subscribers to the new hosting website. As far as ads go, I will keep my website clean with a select few. Sorry, but I am self-employed between two family businesses. My dad runs bus trips to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun Casino, and my cousin is a Coppersmith Tinsmith. I handcrafted over 200 switch plates with him. I make a reasonable pay per hour part-time with my cousin. He helps me out while I am trying to look for some other outlet to pay off my student loans. Unfortunately, I have not seen him in a few weeks due to the inclement weather. I hope you can all understand the future changes, and I hope I can accomplish more in the next month to come. I believe in a strong following network with quality produced content. This is my goal, and I am sticking to it. I have so many ideas for the next few months ahead. One of these ideas is to take more pictures with my Canon Rebel T3i. Stay tuned!

Take care everyone! Thank you so much for your support.



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Three is a Charm; Three Month Blogiversary on Mardi Gras

Why Do People Have Sex?; Surveying Sexual Preferences

The sexual frustration builds up this week for many passionate couples ready for a romantic Valentine’s Day. The hopeless romantics looking for a casual date hesitate for the final decision. A recommendation for anyone to follow is effective communication and body language. Pay close attention to what they say, how they say it, and what they do while they are expressing their feelings. A complimentary way of using terms of endearment, regardless of the relationship status, is extremely healthy for anyone to try. The mutual attraction for each other through verbal communication is never enough to satisfy physical intimacy. The two lovers must have a better understanding of how actions speak louder than words. The strong emotional and physical connection for the two may entice more romantic nights after Valentine’s Day.

Michael Castleman published an article in Psychology Today on November 15, 2010. The article surfaced the Internet via HoneyColony.com. According to Castleman, men believe that the woman’s physical characteristics play an important role in sexual attraction. The women desire more of an emotional connection with their partner instead. The reason to engage in sex varies depending on the person, but a recent study surveyed 442 people for the overall purpose of sexual intercourse. The rewarding results of the survey provide a clear understanding of sexuality between men and women.

Sexy Survey

Researchers have generally assumed that people have sex for one or more of three reasons: to have children, to experience sexual pleasure, and to cement relationships. Turns out there are more than that — 234 more.

Psychologists Cindy Meston and David Buss, of the University of Texas at Austin, surveyed 442 people, aged 17 to 52, asking just one question: “List all the reasons why you or those you know have engaged in sexual intercourse.”

The myth is that men and women are emotionally very different. An old saying illustrates this: Women have sex to become intimate. Men become intimate to have sex. There’s some truth to this. But surprisingly, in the Meston-Buss survey, eight of the top 10 reasons why men and women have sex and 20 of the top 25 are remarkably similar:

Women’s Reasons For Having Sex (from most to least frequently expressed)

1. I felt attracted to the person.
2. I wanted to experience the physical pleasure.
3. It feels good.
4. I wanted to show my affection for my partner.
5. I wanted to express my love for my partner.
6. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
7. I felt horny.
8. It’s fun.
9. I realized I was in love.
10. I was swept up in the heat of the moment.
11. I wanted to please my partner.
12. I wanted emotional closeness/intimacy.
13. I wanted the pure pleasure.
14. I wanted an orgasm.
15. It’s exciting, adventurous.
16. I wanted to feel connected to the person.
17. The person’s physical appearance turned me on.
18. It was a romantic setting.
19. The person really desired me.
20. The person made me feel sexy.
21. The person caressed me.
22. It seemed like the natural next step in the relationship.
23. I wanted to become one with the person.
24. It just happened.
25. I wanted to deepen our emotional bond.

Men’s Reasons For Having Sex

1. I was attracted to the person.
2. It feels good.
3. I wanted to experience the physical pleasure.
4. It’s fun.
5. I wanted to show my affection for the person.
6. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
7. I felt horny.
8. I wanted to express my love for the person.
9. I wanted an orgasm.
10. I wanted to please my partner.
11. The person’s physical appearance turned me on.
12. I wanted the pure pleasure.
13. I was swept up in the heat of the moment.
14. I desired emotional closeness/intimacy.
15. It’s exciting/adventurous.
16. The person had a desirable body.
17. I realized I was in love.
18. The person had an attractive face.
19. The person really desired me.
20. I wanted the adventure/excitement.
21. I wanted to feel connected to the person.
22. I wanted the experience.
23. It was a romantic setting.
24. The person caressed me.
25. The person made me feel sexy.

The myth is that men are obsessed with sex, while women view it as a way to deepen relationships. Not quite. The top three reasons why both men and women become sexual have nothing to do with either horniness or love. They are based on attraction and pleasure. Men and women gave the same priority to horniness (No. 7) and almost the same to expressing love (No. 5 for women, No. 8 for men), and feeling closeness/intimacy (No. 12 for women No. 14 for men).

Americans focus a good deal of attention on sexual victimization (rape, incest, pedophilia, sexual harassment, etc.), and using sex for personal gain (money, a job, a promotion, drugs, etc.) These turn out to be among the least frequent reasons for having sex.

Women’s 10 Least Frequent Reasons For Having Sex

237. I wanted to spread a sexually transmitted disease.
236. Someone offered me money to do it.
235. I wanted to get a raise.
234. It was an initiation rite to a club or organization.
233. I wanted to get a job.
232. I wanted to get a promotion.
231. The person offered me drugs to do it.
230. I wanted to punish myself.
229. I wanted to hurt/humiliate the person.
228. I wanted to feel closer to God.

Men’s 10 Least Frequent Reasons for Having Sex

237. The person offered me drugs to do it.
236. I wanted to spread a sexually transmitted disease.
235. I wanted to punish myself.
234. I wanted to break up my relationship.
233. I wanted to get a job.
232. It was an initiation rite to a club or organization.
231. Someone offered me money to do it.
230. I feared physical harm if I said no.
229. I wanted to make money.
228. I wanted to feel closer to God.

Of course, men and women are different, and despite the similarities just mentioned, they have different reasons for having sex. The researchers calculated the reasons for sex that differed the most by gender.

The Top 10 Largest Gender Differences

1. The person wore revealing clothes. Stated significantly more often by men than women.
2. I wanted to feel masculine. More men.
3. I wanted to relieve “blue balls.” More men.
4. I wanted to feel feminine. More women.
5. The person had a desirable body. More men.
6. The person was available. More men.
7. The person’s appearance turned me on. More men.
8. It’s fun. More men.
9. I wanted to have an orgasm. More men.
10. The opportunity presented itself. More men.

Men were much more likely to have sex based on women’s physical characteristics: desirable body, attractive face, she turned me on. This finding supports a great deal of research showing that men are sexually stimulated by visual cues (for example, pornography).

Women were more likely to have sex based on its contribution to a relationship: I wanted to express my love. I wanted deeper emotional closeness. Again, this finding supports other research showing that most women prefer sex in the context of a committed relationship.

So why do men and women have sex? For more reasons than most people think.

Meston, CM and DM Buss. “Why Humans Have Sex,” Archives of Sexual Behavior (2007) 36:477.

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Why Do People Have Sex?; Surveying Sexual Preferences

Finding Chivalry; Discussion on Chivalry and Materialistic Relationships

New England Connecticut Snow
East Hartford, Connecticut

The historical Northeastern blizzard, dubbed Nemo, left millions of Americans waking up with snow between 6 to 40 inches on Saturday morning. A free gym membership from Mother Nature left a rewarding opportunity for some Americans to pursue the haul. The other Americans have decided between sleep, relaxation, or free time outside without shoveling. In Connecticut, one suburban man left his age behind when the dust blew off his snowmobile in his garage. The inner youth rekindled inside, while his partner struggled to shovel their walkway. Boys will be boys, but chivalry weakened when boys bought their own toys.  The second part of this article will primarily focus on a brief discussion on chivalry in modern dating, while briefly covering the impact of materialistic relationships on long-term commitments. I intend to publish a future post with discussion question results and concluding messages. The impact of the snow shoveling on my body has taken its toll. All requests for sensual back massages are welcomed in the comment section below.

Rest in Panama

Woman Looks for Husband
Woman Left Behind Shoveling Walkway

Chivalry is not lost or dead, but recently on vacation in Panama while everyone else in the Northeast is left to shovel a few feet of snow. A Connecticut woman stands in the snow watching her partner ride his snowmobile up and down the street. The only assumption to take from this is that his final decision is to play hard and work later. In the following pictures, the knight in shining armor comes flying through the snow down the street. Then, he figures out what to do next when his snowmobile sits on the sidewalk in front of his neighbor’s house.

The guy looks back to see if she actually cares to watch him. She finally decides to stop shoveling, and he followed  as soon as he picked up his toys. They never finished the driveway and the sidewalk until later in the day.

If you would like to take part in Part II of this post, please answer the following discussion questions below. I will be more than happy to acknowledge you and your blogs in the next publication. Please note that they are not all mandatory. Just answer enough to engage in a discussion for my next post.

Discussion Questions 

  1. Where is chivalry? Is it really dead, lost, or not as transparent in society? Please explain your answer!
  2. Do you believe chivalry is important in modern society? Modern dating?
  3. Have you ever experienced chivalry, whether it was directly to you or witnessed?
  4. Have you ever rekindled or revived chivalry?
  5. How do you feel about materialistic relationships? Have you ever been in one? Could you explain the pros and cons involved in that relationship? Did your partner have too many possessions? Was this your fault by spoiling them with materialistic love?
  6. Ladies: If you were this woman in this same situation, what would you do? How would you feel if your man decides to go play in the snow while you shovel the walkway? Remember – he drives down the street and leaves you for a while. 
  7. Guys: Do you hold off on using the snowmobile to help with the shoveling, or do you take an advantage of the road covered in a few feet of snow?
  8. What is one inspirational thing everyone can do to revive or rekindle chivalry?

Thank you all for understanding my sore aching body problems from Nemo. I’ve been trying to take it easy all day, but I could never leave you all wondering when the next publication will be! I hope you all have an amazing week ahead! 新年快乐! 太好了! Happy Chinese New Year! I am an Earth Snake! It’s my year to shine!




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Finding Chivalry; Discussion on Chivalry and Materialistic Relationships

Driving Around Intimate Roadblocks; Addressing Concern for Making Moves

Jenna Marbles Sexually Frustrated

A hopeless romantic’s lust builds up sexual frustration into a conflicting matter with physical intimacy. A person feeling deprivation from love and the emotional connection with someone also conflicts with the desire of physical intimacy. The simplistic hug leads into wandering hands, while a forehead kiss turns into French kiss frenzy. A rewarding opportunity of no strings attached snuggling can happen unexpectedly. The desire for more than a sensual embrace stirs up a controversial discussion for couples being serious towards a prospective commitment. If there is a mutual attraction for each other, the couple is safe to push aside their Shakespearean romance for a special time.

Barely Moving Forward 

Past experiences of failed attempts in intimacy can hinder the enthusiasm for another chance at a spontaneous opportunity. Many young men and women face intimacy issues for various reasons. A young woman decides to exchange numbers with me after a brief acknowledgement of mutual attraction. The intellectual conversations over the phone entice the next step to happen rather quickly. She arrives at my house early in the afternoon confident about our casual intentions. A relaxed conversation after dinner left our passionate personalities ready for spontaneity.  In a sensual artistic manner, I transitioned across her face from a forehead kiss to a cheek kiss. Then, playful Eskimo kisses relaxed her shortly before the soft chin kiss. A person’s hazy, aroused eyes might imply the urge for a passionate kiss. A personal fantasy of mine is physical intimacy with a complete stranger, especially after achieving an emotional and physical attraction for each other.

Cock Block Ahead

The art of intimacy should never conflict with an interest for sex. A person can feel completely comfortable towards the exposure of something new, but there is always that one person who fails to recognize that the experience is not necessarily enjoyable for someone else. A mature discussion for sleeping apparel is very important for anyone to understand. The couple must confirm their intent to engage in snuggling. This will ensure respect for each other’s personal space and comfort zone, while building a sense of trust and security. After agreeing on sleeping attire, an emotional connection between the two individuals creates a powerful, sentimental feeling inside. When a person spoons with someone, they must follow the body language of the person next to them. The instinct to allow our hands to wander is natural, but it is not necessarily right to assume going further.

The exposure of sensual caressing from her arms to her waistline intrigued her sexuality and sensuality, but past experiences with intimate failures curtail the fullest potential of her arousal. She mentions with surprise how I am a “man whom doesn’t assume to go any further than below the waistline.” After mentioning this concern for intimacy, reflection on making advantageous moves left a concern to pursue an article about this. The intentions of sexual intercourse are natural, but men and women are responsible to reduce their sex drives to respect others and their own bodies.

Sold it
Sold it (Photo credit: Mundoo)


Sex can be perceived as the same process of buying a house. If two people have an interest in establishing a lifestyle together, they hold back on moving in right away to keep their options open and secure.  They understand that they must feel an emotional and physical connection to pursue a mature decision towards commitment. If two individuals engage in promiscuous activities, this is closely in comparison to renting a place to stay. Nobody owns anything yet, but there are possible chances for rewarding opportunities and responsibility later. When there is an interest in engaging in physical intimacy, a form of a down payment to secure their interest helps the two people out. As a tenant, or someone willing to pursue an intimate encounter with someone else’s property (being their body in this case), they must abide by the landlord’s residential rules. As a landlord, or the person responsible for their own body, must go over the expectations and intentions for the tenant to respect their property. Therefore, the couples are mutually responsible for being a tenant and a landlord. One person must respect their own property before they allow anyone else to pursue an interest with it.

Unloading the Truck

(Photo credit: David Guo’s Master)

U-Haul, or any other moving truck company, conveys symbolism in this article as a convenient method of unloading all the baggage that one has from past experiences into their own intimate lifestyle. This is the most important part of the article to avoid driving around the most intimate roadblock anyone must face. Nobody should ever feel uncomfortable, pressured, and subjected to physical intimacy and sexual intercourse. Nobody should attempt to break the social and intimate connection they have with someone by taking advantageous actions. Therefore, a compiled list on how to respect a person’s body is given below.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Physical Intimacy

Yes check


  • Appreciate their time being with you, regardless of your intentions. 
  • Sincerely compliment them on how you really feel without thinking about what they want to hear.
  • Take patience into consideration for everything you do with them.
  • Take it to heart – show respect by considering a comfortable place, a reasonable time, and acknowledge the most important reason for being with them.  There is a time and place for everything, especially for first impressions.
  • Enjoy sensuality over sexuality for at least an hour. Come on, you can do it!
  • Follow a road map from the forehead to the waistline. The expected roadblock is the waistline. In a sexually corrupted society, this road map will be effective for you because there is never enough foreplay.
  • Remember that foreplay is not only fun, but it is very healthy!
  • Learn about their body just as well as they learn about yours. This is teamwork!

Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women'...


  • Make an ass out of assumption! A date does not require physical intimacy. You do not have the right to kiss them, and they are also not entitled for a kiss from you either.
  • Believe that the first kiss entitles you to go further with your intentions. You were just fortunate enough for first base!
  • Assume that holding hands, kissing, and snuggling offers the right to caress the intimate parts of their body. Besides, Captain Obvious, you already know where yer treasure is! Argh! Ignore the X on the map, and pretend like you don’t know where it is! If you engage in effective prolonged foreplay with the right pace, they will voluntarily lead you in that direction. Yes, you can both share each other’s booty.

Most importantly …

Don’t you ever assume that it is right to make decisions because you feel comfortable about pursuing them. This isn’t about you! 

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Driving Around Intimate Roadblocks; Addressing Concern for Making Moves

Perspiring Inspiration; The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

(Photo credit: peevee@ds)

Hey everyone, I noticed I have fallen behind schedule for accepting award nominations. That is not very inspiring! Spank me! I will try my best not to enjoy it. I am very fortunate to receive two more Very Inspiring Blogger Award nominations! In almost three months, I have inspired almost 4,000 people on WordPress. That number alone motivates my soul to continue inspiring more people to inspire others. Inspiration is the new STD that we can all spread together! It is never too late!

First, I would like to announce a blog post suggestion and the latest new welcome message that most of you have yet to hear. In honor of all my beautiful followers and my sensual work, my three-month blogiversary on February 12, 2013 will have a special event of recognition. I may upload a video via YouTube or post an audio file via YourListen to announce my latest achievements with the WordPress community.  I need your help to move this along in the most effective way possible. You must all have questions to ask me! Please ask any question from general audience to mature audience. I will answer as many as I receive. You can submit these questions in the comment section below or submit them through the online opinion form.

Now, the latest welcome message for my blog is found at the upper right hand corner right above the email subscription button. I uploaded this as my first attempt. How do you feel about it? Would you like me to narrate, “An Erotic Masterpiece; A Painting of One Thousand Words,” as an MP3 file so you can carry it to bed with you? Personalized narrations are always sexy. Just imagine a young guy telling you a bedtime story without having him in your room! I can accommodate you with a small fee via PayPal. Let me know if there is any interest.

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Here are the rules of the award:
1.) Display the award logo on your blog.
2.) Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.) State 7 things about yourself.
4.) Nominate 15 bloggers for this award.
5.) Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

On January 30th, I received the 5th Very Inspiring Blogger Award from GrowingUpLittle. I would like to accept this award officially, and acknowledge your nomination by saying thank you very much for noticing my work. On February 2nd, I received the 6th Very Inspiring Blogger Award from TheReporterandTheGirl. It is a pleasure to receive this award from another hopeless romantic, and I am very fortunate for your support in the discussions here at PrinzeCharming.com. Thank you both. I wish the best of luck in everything you do.

7 (x2) Things About Me: Pun Edition

  1. I can eat a plate of asparagus like a large order of French fries …, urine trouble now!
  2. I love every fruit you could imagine, I just cantaloupe.
  3. I love breasts, thighs and legs, but I always chicken out when they’re all too big.
  4. I have a way with my tongue, but I am not even close to cunning linguist.
  5. I love sensual chats over the phone, but I am afraid of hearing aids when I’m older.
  6. If my ex room mate’s girlfriend owned a bakery, at yeast she has it all under control!
  7. I always wondered how English majors handled their periods.
  8. I love seafood, but I could never see myself selfish.
  9. Could I be a farmer? They caress chicks while watching the others get laid!
  10. I love grapes, but it makes me cringe when people whine.
  11. I am not sure how a mailman handles junk mail. I’d go postal within the first week.
  12. Yeah, love sucks and we can’t get enough, but that’s just a whoreable thing to say. 
  13. I love drinking and gambling, but I always liquor first before I poker.
  14. My blog is like a road to success, if you aren’t following then that’s your asphalt!

45 Very Inspiring Blogger Nominations 

In an effort to make up for the 4th, 5th and 6th nominations, I present to you 45 individuals for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please note that I would order the these in alphabetically order, but I am too lazy to do that. Therefore, please understand that everyone was equally chosen, regardless of the listing number.

  1. lucilx
  2. gwenstephens
  3. conversationallyselective
  4. julieisrael
  5. abigailpollock
  6. memoirsofagayhousewife
  7. howtodateinlv
  8. divorcedarling
  9. vdarquenne
  10. journeytoawesomehood
  11. broadblogs
  12. marifosque
  13. mellchan
  14. joycelynaralar
  15. hansiriley
  16. wordsfallfrommyeyes
  17. beansprowtcrocodile
  18. dragoneystory
  19. oleanderstringofpearls
  20. arefootbaroness.org
  21. havensheaven
  22. decemberspirit
  23. romancewithval
  24. romanceglobalbound
  25. hopekenyon
  26. thewhyaboutthis
  27. calvinandi
  28. rebeccabartley
  29. sex-pancakes
  30. ducttapeandbubblegum
  31. rebeccatdickson
  32. augustmclaughlin
  33. throughthehealinglens
  34. 20andjuststarting
  35. shrewdbanana
  36. creativityarise
  37. exceptionalaregle
  38. lesbiansextips4str8boys
  39. thebumblefiles
  40. facingtherainbow
  41. sliceofmylifeblog
  42. briarlady
  43. ranujanu
  44. julienmatei
  45. deliberatelifemag

Congratulations everyone! Please spread the inspiration throughout the WordPress community and into your own local communities. We all need more inspiration in this world, especially for relationships. Most of the compiled bloggers have dating and relationship themed blogs. I hope you can all check them out. They are truly inspirational and should also be part of your life as well. Thank you. Take care.

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Perspiring Inspiration; The Very Inspiring Blogger Award