Latest Update; Upcoming Blog Posts, Blog Award, and Personal Touches

Hey everyone! I am looking forward to keeping my promises in the last three months I have been here. I will give you a rundown on the blog posts that I have promised, and I hope I see some last-minute contributions. If I am not focused on a new topic, you will see the following post updates.

Part II –

In this series, a Part II blog post:

Part III –

In this series, a Part III blog post will conclude the final thoughts:

The Hot Debate

The article with the most feedback is now Relaxing on First Base; a Brief Survey on Kissing Preferences with twenty-two submissions in almost a full month. My first intention was to publish the second and third part of this blog post shortly before Valentine’s Day. Well, obviously that never happened! So, last call on the kissing poll! I will hold this off at least until the end of the month. Then, I will discuss the poll results and analyze them at different perspectives. I may hold off on the third part, and enhance the post with the results and my concluding thoughts on this subject.

The second article with the most feedback was Finding Chivalry; Discussion on Chivalry and Materialistic Relationships. I will discuss more in-depth with the responses, materialistic relationships, and how chivalry has changed the modern society’s mindset of morals and values.

I cannot say this was the least interesting for responses, but I appreciate everyone who participated in the article that focuses on the Mile High Club. The next part will only focus on the contributions from the first part and some sexy alternatives to satisfying this spontaneous fetish. You are all welcomed aboard on this flight!

Blog Awards

I have used blog awards as a way to give myself some motivation to blog. However, it is very difficult to nominate 10 to 15 people every time. On February 22nd, 2013, Christina has awarded me with my 7th Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I appreciate this nomination, especially with the description that followed it. Thank you. I may or may not make an official blog post for this. I just want this blog award acknowledged now. Although I should acknowledge the other two nominations, I only announce the nominations that are not recycled from the nominee back to the nominator. Please do not feel discouraged if I do not acknowledge you if you are a nominee receiving an award, and you feel the inspiration to give it back. I appreciate it, but finding an additional 45 nominees for the last three Very Inspiring Blogger Awards is very overwhelming. In addition, I feel as if the nomination was an obligation. If I never shared it with you, you might have never shared it with me. Thanks for understanding.

Blog Post Suggestions

If you have any blog post suggestions for topics or ideas, please let me know. I have been writing articles on whim for three months. There is no planning ahead, and everything happens within a few hours for each post. If you find a current event, and you want my opinion on it, let me know. Share it on my Facebook wall!

Peace Corps 50th Anniversary at CSIS
Peace Corps 50th Anniversary at CSIS (Photo credit: CSIS: Center for Strategic & International Studies)

Hosting and Moving Forward

I have recently signed up for a web host site for my website for the next three years. I have also booked a meeting with the Peace Corps for next week. If I am accepted into the  rewarding program, I will be in another country for two years and three months. The limited Internet connection will not push me away from writing anything in my blog, but the other way around. If I am enrolled in the Peace Corps, I will take this rewarding opportunity to apply it to my work here at I will ask the natives about dating and relationships, and learn about their norms for modern dating. This may be taboo for some cultures, but we can all learn a lot in how other cultures bond together to form friendships and relationships. I am very intrigued for this opportunity, and I will update you on my progress.

Thank you all for your time.

Take care.

– Tony





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Latest Update; Upcoming Blog Posts, Blog Award, and Personal Touches