One Month Blogiversary; A Monthly Summary of Success

On November 12, my Facebook friends boosted my self-esteem and enthusiasm to pursue writing a romance novel. This positive energy sparked Prinze Charming.

The first blog post is always awkward. Imagine yourself walking into an empty auditorium with a spotlight shining upon the stage, awaiting for your arrival. While you look around for a sign of life or hope, you crouch down wondering why you even bothered. Then, the thoughts come. Yes, those thoughts.

“I’ll write something inspiring. If anyone sees it, great. If not, obviously I need to advertise before I seem like I enjoy talking to myself. What? Me? I don’t talk to myself, do I? Am I? Oh, right.” My second blog post became much more popular over the last thirty days. What could have caused that turn out? Possibly when I wrote something more inspiring and breathtakingly moving:

“She’s pinned against the wall with care, penetrating fingers through her hair. Our eyes greet, noses glide, lips meet, and tongues slide.”

The first day felt different. My feelings about becoming a blogger were neutral. What else would I expect from this experience? I have established many other blogs online since I was in middle school. Occasionally, I pay them a visit and feel remorse over my deleted Expages.

The following week before Thanksgiving was extremely busy for me. I received an interview only a day after I submitted my CV. Yeah, a red flag award for Most Responsive. The marketing firm called my cell phone, but I decided to let it ring. I never bother with people calling my cell during the day. Why waste my paid minutes? My home phone number is also on my CV. Please try again later. The minute I saw the phone number in the search results, I became extremely enthusiastic to return the call. I am a conversationalist and the woman behind the other line knew exactly what I was capable of doing for their company. Effective marketing pitches. The phone call concluded and the preliminary interview scheduled for Monday morning. Yeah, Monday. This was Friday, and they requested Saturday. No thank you. 

Monday was a very exciting day for a recent college graduate. This was my first legitimate interview after concluding my collegiate studies. I live nearby the public transportation routes that connect the suburban residents into the city. As I waited for the bus at the corner of my street, I realized how ridiculous I looked outside in a suit shortly after Election Day. What the hell was I missing? A campaign sign. 

The first interview was a success! The manager who conducted the interview knew that I did my homework on the company. I accurately answered all the questions, and provided a few on my own. As I walked out the door with confidence, I glanced back through the transparent glass door. “Ha, that’s competition?”

The bus ride back home was extremely overwhelmed with confidence and a sense of direction. Then, my purpose in life expressed itself through the voice of an innocent little boy. After analyzing my well-suited appearance, he finally mustered up enough courage to ask me a question. “Are you … a secret agent?” My heart melted into a puddle of bliss and evaporated back into my thoughts about my future career. Yes, I want a government career. I would love to become an asset for our country and gain that rewarding opportunity to use my linguistic skills that you read on my “About Me” page. That is primarily why I studied Political Science. His mother might have given him that influence by watching crime scene investigations or action packed secret agent shows on television, but situations like this happen for a reason.

What the hell? I would rather watch soap operas, like the Young and the Restless, than watch the clock for a phone call. “If you don’t hear from us by 4:00, please understand that it is a friendly reminder that we did not feel that you were a qualifying candidate for the position.”  When the phone rang around 3:55, I knew they wanted me back. We scheduled Tuesday for the next interview because it was convenient and I wanted to show consistency.

Let me just speed up this moment with the following events on a timeline: Bus ride, dead cell phone battery, a sudden increase in hope and dependency for the Stop & Shop clock mounted above the entrance, and a long day selling AT&T services to Cox users in fancy neighborhoods. Wait, there is something missing. It will get back to me soon.

Yeah, if you read that as, “The bus ride back to the second interview, carrying a dead cell phone battery in my pocket, lead me into the path to a door-to-door marketing day selling AT&T services to Cox users in fancy neighborhoods” – you are absolutely correct! It was over seven hours of no compensation to see how this marketing firm works with the client’s consumers. Yeah, congratulations, you qualify as a marketable man. Wow, now I know exactly why I passed the first interview! The candidates signed a contract that we were aware of no compensation. Well, at least the women brought me to KFC. Oh, that reminds me,

I rekindled chivalry. 

That story requires verbal context. No, really, I must have explained this story over twenty times to everyone concerned about me not having the job after all those successful interviews. Me?  Overqualified? Yeah,  what do you expect from an entry-level marketing position targeting recent high school or college graduates? The salary is solely based upon a commission based salary only. When someone mentions that there is an average pay of $400 to $600 a week, that means you can fall below or above. Hence why this position is competitive and flexible. Yeah, hierarchical management sounds extremely intriguing. Moving on.

My Thanksgiving post was very warm and heartfelt. I wanted more feedback from it, but not much attention was on it that day. That was completely understandable. Why would anyone  be blogging all day on Thanksgiving? Then, I was trying to relax from the second interview and Thanksgiving. So, why not share a picture of a backyard campfire? Yeah, not my best quality, but it was last-minute. Sorry. I was debating if I should create a photo blog or not. I will let you know as soon as possible!

On November 28, I decided to write a How-To guide on “L.O.V.E.” which stands for, “Listen, Organize, Value and Express.” If you have yet to read it, do it soon. The positive feedback on it was greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Ah, yes, the following day inspired me to write something beyond 1,300 words. OK, 1,313 exact. My article, “The Ultimate Sacrifice for Love; Makes Sense to Deny Participation,” increased my views and my comment records. It was truly inspiring that I received a response recently this week about it. After that article, I knew I should write quality written articles. I knew my audience was craving something to read that revolved around relationships. On the third day of December, I found more inspiration.

At a record high of 2,067 words, “A Lover’s Christmas List; Top Five Things to Do in Decemberwas born. The feedback was warm and engaging. Thank you for everyone who participated.

Now, this article motivated me to test my audience and their playful sides in the bedroom. I was actually extremely hesitant to publish something explicit on here, especially with my last few articles that maintained and balanced seduction. Although the likes were low on this, the star ratings and comments were high. Ladies, I completely understand, you were way too busy imagining, “The Art of Seduction,” that you decided to bring your laptops back into bed with you. That was very sweet. Thank you. By the way, the record high thus far is at 4,406 words! Yeah, I guess I was too engaged with this one.

Now, let’s get back into a warm comfy mood. It was a pleasure to see that most of my hopeless romantic followers were also snuggle enthusiasts! My article, “No Strings Attached Snuggling; The Trending Sensual Intentions Surrounded by Sexual Misconceptions,” gave everyone a warm feeling inside to reach out to someone or something. Yes, teddy bears are perfectly fine! At 2,226 words, I conveyed a really warm emphasis on sensual importance over sexual importance. I hope everyone has a snuggle buddy this holiday season! However, it would be extremely awkward if you snuggled with someone who had bad breath!

Coming in with 2,018 words, everyone seemed to enjoy hearing how to keep their mouth shut about ignoring a perfect moment of a passionate embrace! My article, “Lips Are Sealed; Holding Off a Perfect Moment with Bad Breath,” set me apart from the rest! As soon as I received a comment, I continued to go ahead to start my next post.

As a recent Blog of the Year 2012 Award winner, I felt extremely honored for the nomination and time in reading my posts. A distinction in my writing was found and the rest truly pushed me forward. Then,  my heart grew even bigger when I received the label of being “gentlemanly” on cherispeak‘s Bloggers I Like page:

“An amazing blog of gentlemanly and sensual writings that men could learn from and women will melt from. All that aside, Tony is hands down one of the best writers I have ever had the pleasure of reading in my life. Considering I have read millions or even billions of words, this is saying a lot!” 

Cheri Roberts is an amazing woman with a big heart, a spontaneous personality, and a nurturing side when you need someone the most. Thank you so much in everything you do. I could never ask for a better friend. Ms. Roberts submitted one of my latest articles on OpEdNews.  This article received a lot of great feedback and restored memories with nearly 40 comments!  By four words, this article beat the Ultimate Sacrifice with 1,317 words!

The idea of Mr. Right popped in my head. Maybe I thought about Bedazzled (2000)? Possibly, Mel Gibson’s Mr. Right role in What Women Want (2000)? After 1,115 words, “Discovering Mr. Right; A Brief Analysis on Idealistic Male Traitsthe best man appeared.

I decided to slow down a bit and reblog a few articles. I helped other fellow bloggers out by sharing their thoughts. It has been a very busy week, so please understand! I am not feeling rusty, just extremely busy.

Now, the most intriguing occurrence? When I started my countdown to my blogiversary, I wrote the following comment:

“Thank you so much for your support for my first month here! I was only a week shy from this milestone with over 1,100 views! That is beyond amazing! I could not imagine what a year would like it!”

Now, imagine that! I was writing this a week ago with over 1,100 views! Check out the stats for my first month thus far:


Yeah, did you notice that jump too? We’re talking about an increase of 3,000 viewers within a week!  

Oh, my awards? 

Yeah, I am pretty shocked myself! Thank you so much for all of my followers to support me within my first month here!

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One Month Blogiversary; A Monthly Summary of Success

34 thoughts on “One Month Blogiversary; A Monthly Summary of Success

  1. Rose Sabia says:

    Love u 2 Tony. I met you playing a Facebook game while you were still a student at UCONN. We helped each other out in CityVille and then on to a few other silly games. I commented on some of your status updates and we even discussed your studies and some future endeavors. I continued to check out your FB page and smiled at your wit, insight and knowledge far beyond your years. You continue to fascinate me. You are a very special person, I would go as far as saying your talent is God given! Your mom is probably very proud of you. You are living the dream, do you realize that? You can only go up from here! Congrats on your 1 month blog journey. Continued success, my young friend….

    1. Thank you so much for your heartfelt words! Yes, we definitely moved beyond the games and became really good friends. There is so much left to learn, and so little time to spend. Live life to the fullest one heart beat at a time. I hope I can continue to inspire you and many others following,. I suggested to my mother that I should pursue a career in writing, and she was very hesitant about it. I told her my progress on here, and she felt as if she didn’t really know my capabilities. I have yet to show my family my blog, or at least discuss it with them. I write some pretty intense articles. It might not be the best ice breaker for a family holiday party. Anyways, thank you and everyone else for your support. We continue to learn and grow together… forever.

      1. Rose Sabia says:

        Tony, your gifts will allow you to succeed in whatever you choose to do, be sure of that. A word about moms…we never see our children as others see them. I have 2 sons, very different from each other, but, still the same. I see them as my children most of the time, sometimes men, moving forward in their careers and relationships. They will always be my “children”. Mom’s do have a difficult time seeing their boys become men. I now am very comfortable with my “men”. She, too, will eventually “see” who you really are and dissolve in the joy of a job well done raising you. Remember ‘nature vs. nurture’ I think it’s about 50/50. You are you, and, a product of your wonderful upbringing. Hugs to a great mom and dad!

      2. Yes, I completely agree with everything you said. My mom always reminded me, “I don’t care if you are 80 years old, you are still my little boy.” Yes, I am the product of a wonderful upbringing, but I still throw out pointers for my parents when they’re raising my fourteen year old sister. They lost their “touch” of discipline. Thanks again!

  2. Awesomesauce! Congrats on your incredible success. Those are huge numbers to amass in one month. You’ve obviously have the talent to draw in the readers so be sure to keep on writing and see where the journey takes you!

  3. Awwww Tony, thank you so much for acknowledging me. I think our Blogs are having a love affair together. At least they let us waych. 🙂

    Congrats on your first month anniversary. You have done a brilliant job finding your niche, and your ability to target, promote, and grow that niche is impressive. I think our mutual marketing sense is a plus in that we know how to deliver what our segment of readers wants, but we are able to do so from a genuine place within us. That’s important.

    I enjoy you. Even when you make me shake my head, because I know shortly thereafter it will be my knees shaking instead :p

    1. Oh, Cheri. Do I even tell you what happened the other day? Ok, look, I was curious. I went around your blog, and then I noticed the podcast. I love podcast. I actually listened to some just to learn Chinese one time. Anyways, the moment I heard your voice. Oh, I sure melted inside. You have such a voice to hear over the phone, let alone a podcast. Remember kids – phone sex gives you hearing aids! 😉

      Thank you so much! Your promotions were definitely a help. However, I will take credit for the first few weeks that you were, unfortunately, not around. Women are marketable, but love sells. Ha, sex sells but love sells even more. Women want that emotional and physical attraction. They know what they can do to lure men into their lives, but they want the crème de la crème. They deserve it too! I am glad I attracted the right people at the right time. I am glad I am distinct from the rest. I love the comment at the end. 😉

      Anyways, I hope this “lock down” for publishing is fixed. I guess I violated something? I didn’t know. 😀

      1. Ahhh I was wondering why our prolific Prinze was suddenly not so prolific…could be the images? WP has some TOS that are pretty strict when it comes to sex…
        Kiss kiss hug hug tres’ chad :p

      2. Actually, it was specifically on this post. They said I cannot link specific websites, etc.. that are against TOS. Do they have a compiled list of banned websites for us to follow? Please, do share. Hey, I am new here, and I tried my best to follow the rules. I’ve seen many other blogs that show more explicit images than what I can convey in words. Haha, anyways, I hope they get back to me. I’ll “clean up” just tell me “how” exactly. 😉

      3. HA yes…I was unsure when I posted some of my poetry (which if you have not read I think you will love…check out my “Whispered Words” menu item to see. Some of it is very very erotic. I have wanted to go into it more, but i wasn’t sure it would be ok and didn’t want to have my Blog shut down or interrupted.

        One of the reasons I love your blog is because of the eroticism because you do it in a clever and sensual way, unlike someone who just wants to talk “f**** n suck”. I do not think there is anything offensive about the words you lay forth and i hope WP will agree.

        It is also possible that they are checking things out simply because you have had such a stellar launch and they are looking to see you are real and that this is not some marketing scheme? I don’t know, but i wish they would give you the keyboard back. We are panting waiting for the next edition of Prinze Charming’s Charms. I’ll take two please! :p

        And on that note…the idea I had was an experiment in blogging sensuousness and i had envisioned calling it “He Said She Said”…if you email me I will go into detail 🙂

      4. Ah, fascinating! I shall check it out! Thanks for telling me about it. Yeah, you’re definitely right about that. What is too much, or what is too little? Is this enough, but way too explicit? Is this not enough, but perfectly fine? I noticed people really enjoy what I write because of that distinction. Honestly, I feel awkward in those situations where someone is distasteful about their passionate side. They give me the impress that they want the encounter, rather than the moment. They want sex, but not the act of making love. They want quantity over quality. Size does matter for them because they are unaware of what foreplay can do. They are desensitized for arousal when it comes to what I write because they always get what they want. Guys will instantly kiss them vs. teasingly brush their lips across theirs. No, I value an incentive program. I value earning what you want. I am not here to provide “Sex Stamps” to contribute to your daily necessities of sexual pleasure. I am your guy for sensual pleasure. I want you to discover yourself before you discover me.

        Yes, now transitioning from the way I do things, it makes me think about that possibility. Maybe they think I am an automatic overly fantasized male identity? How does one receive so many views in a month? How does one come close to all those followers when I am not even following people back. Sorry, don’t take it to heart for those reading. Honestly, I would love to, but I cannot read ALL the articles. I would hate to like everything, but not read it. I also contribute to replying back to my comments. So, where does this automatic assumption take place? Twitter? Yes, but Twitter allows it. At least, for now. haha

        I am a non profit organization. Am I even considered an organization? That sounds intriguing. Maybe I’ll email you soon. 😀

      5. LOL regarding my voice. I am not sure why men like it? I think I sound funny. I used to be a radio DJ on a rock station in California. The men were a lil obsessive. Too funny and thank you very much. I’ll whisper sweet nothings (or somethings) to you any time.

  4. Amazing number of followers! My humble blog somehow brought you to look. Thank you and hope you continue to grow. You have some incredibly long and diverse posts!

    1. Thank you so much for your support! I know! I am very pleased with the turn out within two months of blogging here. I love the inspirational impact I have caused upon the WordPress community. Everyone here is very supportive, and I am always coming back for more. I believe in quality over quantity. That’s my secret. Never write to impress, but impress those who never write. I am very fortunate to have some people write up “responses” for some of my posts. I appreciate that very much!

Speak your heart, proofread your mind.